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6 Reasons To Run Police Checks Before You Hire

Written by Martian Logic | Apr 10, 2024 4:05:45 AM

The process of hiring the right individuals for your organisation goes beyond just reviewing resumes and conducting interviews. Ensuring a secure and trustworthy work environment should be a top concern for organisations – especially in cases where employees interact with vulnerable populations such as children or the elderly. This is where police checks prove crucial. So, in addition to ensuring the safety of your clients and employees alike, there are heaps of other reasons why you should run police checks before you hire.

In today’s blog, we will explore why running police checks is not just a wise choice, but a strategic move. From strengthening security and legal compliance to preserving reputation and building trust, we’ll delve into six compelling reasons that make these checks an essential step in the hiring process. 

Join us on this journey to understand how safeguarding your organisation and its stakeholders begins with the decision to prioritise security and diligence in your hiring practices.


1 – Security & Safety

Making sure your workplace is safe and secure for your employees is absolutely essential. In a world where risks and unexpected challenges can pop up at any moment, it’s crucial to stay one step ahead and take proactive measures to protect your organisation. One way to do this is by using police checks to screen candidates. This not only protects your workplace but also ensures the well-being of your existing employees. Through these checks, you can pinpoint candidates who may pose a threat to the workplace, helping you make sure it remains a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through its doors.


2 – Legal Compliance

For many industries and roles, conducting police checks is more than just good practice; it’s a legal requirement. These checks are often mandated to ensure that organisations maintain a high level of security and accountability in their hiring processes. Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid legal repercussions and ensure your organisation follows industry standards. After all, failing to adhere to these legal obligations can result in severe consequences, including fines, legal liabilities, and even the revocation of licenses or certifications.


3 – Prevent Reputational Damage

Hiring individuals with a criminal history can have far-reaching consequences for your company’s reputation – especially if their actions result in negative incidents. A damaged reputation can be challenging to recover from and may affect your ability to attract clients, partners, and top talent. Conducting police checks helps protect your organisation’s image and credibility by preventing the onboarding of individuals who could potentially engage in harmful behavior within your workplace. By proactively sifting out candidates with backgrounds of concern, you not only preserve the integrity of your brand but also show your commitment to maintaining a trustworthy and safe environment for all those involved.


4 – Client & Customer Trust

Clients and customers often want assurance that their interactions with your company are free from risk and potential harm. Demonstrating your commitment to thorough screening through police checks can build trust and confidence in your brand. So, when clients and customers know that your organisation goes the extra mile to ensure the quality and integrity of its workforce, they are more likely to choose your services or products over competitors. This trust can lead to stronger customer relationships, repeat business, and positive referrals.


5 – Protecting Vulnerable Populations

In roles that involve working with vulnerable groups, such as children or the elderly, the importance of police checks cannot be emphasised enough. These checks are essential to ensuring the safety and well-being of those in your care. Vulnerable individuals rely on your organisation to provide not only the necessary services but also a secure and safe environment. By conducting police checks on candidates in such roles, you create a protective barrier that helps prevent potential harm to these vulnerable populations. This practice aligns with both moral and ethical responsibilities, ensuring that those in need of special care and attention are in the hands of trustworthy and responsible individuals.


6 – Avoid Wasting Resources on Recruitment & Onboarding

The recruitment and onboarding process involves a great deal of time, effort, and financial investment. Imagine the frustration of channeling all these resources into an employee who doesn’t quite meet your expectations – and even worse, becomes the cause of a fatal incident that takes place under your authority. Failing to conduct proper due diligence can result in wasted resources, especially when a new hire turns out to be a less-than-ideal fit or brings unforeseen risks to the table – risks that might have been uncovered through diligent police checks. By implementing these checks, you’re not just identifying potential issues early, but this in turn helps you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that the candidates you bring on board are not only qualified but also aligned with your organisation’s values and safety standards. 


Key Takeaways

There you have it – 6 reasons to run police checks before you hire. It’s extremely important to conduct a thorough screening of candidates as you not only demonstrate to your current employees that you care about their safety and security, but you emit that message to external observers. Clients and customers can start their relationship with you on a basis of trust, people in your care will feel comfortable, and you can avoid wasting valuable time and resources on recruitment and onboarding of the wrong hires.