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Martian LogicApr 8, 2024 9:06:26 AM3 min read

In a single click produce your entire gender-based reports



Gender Reporting In a Single Click


There’s been a lot of talk in the media lately about Gender Reporting and about the Government requirements for Gender Reporting.

This might be a useful link for more information on Gender reporting requirements in the workplace and recruitment – The Australian Government’s official site for Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

And here are a few useful extracts from the site:

A)  Extract # 1 – Who needs to report

  1.  Link to the page:
  2. Useful extract:

    “A relevant employer is a non-public sector employer with 100 or more employees in Australia for any six months or more of a reporting period.”


B)  Extract # 2 – How to report online

  1.  Link to the exact page:
  2. Useful extract: 

    “Once you have confirmed your reporting arrangements and obtained an AUSkey, you will need to login to the online portal, via the login link on the top right-hand corner of the Agency’s website, to complete and submit your report. Associating your WGEA local user account to your AUSkey is a one-off procedure. Once this is done, you can access the online portal by clicking straight on ‘Login with AUSkey’. You will no longer need your username and password.”

I’m very pleased to say that in MyRecruitmentPlus… Gender Reporting is very well covered and all it takes, is a single click to produce your entire Gender-based Reports.

Here are some of the reports you can produce in an instant:

  • Applications By Gender
  • Stopped Pre Progressing By Gender
  • Applications Progressed By Gender
  • Interviewed By Gender
  • Applications Placed By Gender
  • Placements By Month & By Gender


A while ago, some of our clients suggested to us that our recruitment software MyRecruitmentPlus… should have more gender-based reporting as part of our BI and reporting suite.

And so our dev team started an R&D journey… which led to re-constructing the entire BI platform we had from the ground up… and they turned it into a really special module.

Please see this screenshot from one of the BI reports.

Gender reports from different angles

The report includes various aspects of Gender-based reporting starting, from a simple Breakdown of “Applications received By Gender” and to a more complicated report such as “Placements Made By Gender & By Month”.


Custom reports

Also we are always happy to accomodate special reporting requirements from our clients, that we haven’t implemented yet.  As we always say to our clients – we’re not recruiters, we’re not HR people – we’re software engineers i.e. Scientist who love solving problems – so most of the ideas and the features have come from our clients – the idea starts with a request from our clients and the we solve it in a way that makes sense to all  our clients.  And so if you do have special requirements for BI then we are more than happy to listen and we’ll see what we can do.


Instant in the page or as PDF

In a single click you can also download the report as a PDF file and so you can either share it or print it very easily – the PDF and what you see in the page are absolutely the same… so it’s like what you see is what you get in a sense.


Figure 1: Screenshot example


Available in our live trial

The Gender-based reporting is available within the live trial that we offer, so get in touch with me today for a quick demo and perhaps we can set you up for a trial.