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What are the key functions of an HRIS?

Written by Martian Logic | Sep 13, 2024 4:28:31 AM

Behind every organisation lies a passionate group of people who are committed to helping employees thrive.

And behind those people is usually an HRIS system. 

For some HR teams, an HRIS is the centre of their operations. Every decision around their people and any related process is tied together by the ribbon of an HRIS. 

HR gurus and marketing professionals debate until the cows come home about the key components of an HRIS platform, as some are more critical than others to helping HR pass on operational HR tasks. 

However, the key functions of an HRIS are debated less—well—because they are functional and are more universally agreed upon. So let’s take a look at them and understand the key functions of an HRIS.

Hire and onboarding

An effective hiring and onboarding process ensures that new employees not only bring the right skills to the table but also feel supported and integrated into the organisation from day one.

Hiring: Many HR teams use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to find and recruit new candidates. It’s a key function of an HRIS as it streamlines the recruitment process, which is a manual and time-consuming HR function. It improves compliance and allows HR teams to focus on strategic HR tasks like finding and nurturing top talent while enhancing the candidate experience. With automation built into every Martian Logic stage, our recruitment and onboarding function ensures that all necessary approvals, postings, and candidate communications are handled smoothly.

Onboarding: First impressions matter. That’s why onboarding is a key HRIS function because it sets the foundation for an employee’s introduction to your organisation, improving engagement, retention, and overall productivity from the start. Martian Logic’s onboarding software is designed to create a positive, engaging experience for new hires. Every step from digital signing to custom onboarding packs is automated, making the transition for new employees seamless and ensuring consistency in communication across all stakeholders.

Core HR

An HRIS is a record of people and their data. At its core, it should make manual tasks easier to manage by reducing workload so HR teams can focus on more strategic HR tasks. 

Employee database: Data is king. At the heart of any employee-driven experience lies a good database. It’s what matters most to HR teams because it supports general HR functions. It allows HR teams and management to access crucial information quickly. It also acts as a single source of truth for stakeholders in an organisation. Martian Logic’s position library and organisational chart are integrated into our employee database to enrich your overall data and business intelligence.  

Employee dashboard: Dashboards keep your employee data clear and digestible. Your employee reporting is only as strong as your data. With a robust data set, you can customise big picture dashboards to display insights to management about employees, helping managers and HR teams make informed data-driven decisions.

Position library & organisational chart: A customisable position library takes the difficulty out of position management and captures everything a manager needs to know about an employee's role. Martian Logic’s organisational chart is live and linked to the position library and acts as a single source of truth for managers who can find the position description, duties and responsibilities, saving HR plenty of time. 

Employee Self-Service

An HRIS platform should provide employees with one central place to manage tasks and access documentation. It reduces HR’s workload because employees can manage routine tasks themselves. The self-service feature should empower employees to access the information and manage their own tasks, streamlining operational HR tasks away from HR.

Payroll: Paying salaries is an important part of your business. It’s also manual, time-consuming and prone to human error, which is why it’s a key function of an HRIS. Staff can access their payslips anytime, anywhere through the employee portal, giving your entire organisation instant access to their payment history.

Benefits administration: Allowing employees to store and manage resources like their signed employment contracts, changes in employment conditions, employee handbooks, company policies, and even training modules saves HR teams a lot of time. Enabling constant access to these resources ensures your staff will always have the tools to thrive, freeing HR teams to focus on more strategic HR.

Leave requests: From annual leave to sick leave, an HRIS needs to provide employees with a central place to manage requests. This reduces manual tracking and ensures compliance with leave policies. With Martian Logic’s HRIS, leave balances accrue in real-time, so employees can instantly manage their leave entitlements. 

Professional development: Great employees make up high-performing teams and business functions. So as an HR manager, you want to support and help employees grow professionally. Having a development tool helps nurture talent and fosters employee growth and engagement, which directly impacts organisational success.

Professional Development

Skill development and staff retention: Research shows that employees are more likely to stay with an organisation if they feel there is room to grow. This is why your employees need continuous learning opportunities to stay relevant in your organisation. An HRIS facilitates this by tracking employee skills, training progress, and certifications. 

Performance development: Linking professional development with performance management allows HR teams to create personalised development plans. An HRIS can automatically identify skill gaps by analysing employee performance data and even suggest relevant training programs. This data-driven approach ensures employees receive the right training at the right time and improve their contributions to your organisation.

Training: An HRIS can automate much of the administration involved in training and development, such as course enrollment, tracking completion, and sending reminders for mandatory training. It reduces the manual workload on HR teams and ensures compliance with training requirements, such as safety certifications or professional credentials​.

Employee Engagement

Feedback and recognition: HRIS platforms provide tools for managers and employees to offer timely feedback and recognition. Martian Logic’s employee engagement feature empowers employees to actively participate in surveys, performance reviews, and recognition programs, ensuring continuous improvement and fostering a more engaged workforce.

Communication and Collaboration Tools: HRIS platforms often include communication features like chat, discussion forums, and team collaboration tools, promoting a sense of community and ensuring employees stay informed. Open communication encourages engagement by breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative environment.