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What type of companies use an ATS?

Written by Martian Logic | Sep 13, 2024 4:28:00 AM

90% of companies on the ASX 200 use an applicant tracking system (ATS). 

It’s an attractive tool for HR teams in enterprise organisations because it helps them hire better candidates faster. However small to medium-sized businesses also use ATS software, and here’s why.

An ATS is a powerful recruitment tool that automates HR teams' recruiting and hiring workflows. Each system carries different features and quirks, but they all streamline operational HR tasks like collecting applications and maintaining communication with candidates.

Martian Logic's ATS, for example, is particularly useful for organisations that handle a high volume of candidates because it allows HR teams to streamline communications across multiple stakeholder levels and focus on more strategic recruitment tasks that matter. 

So if you’re a start-up or a small to medium-sized business, you probably need to think about an ATS because it can help improve efficiency, better manage resources, and enhance the quality of your hires.

What is an ATS?

An ATS is software that streamlines the recruitment process. It helps manage job postings, screen resumes, track candidate progress, and schedule interviews. 

By automating operational HR tasks, an ATS improves collaboration between stakeholders. It also enhances the candidate experience and reduces the hiring time, allowing HR teams to shift their focus from operational HR to more strategic priorities like attracting and nurturing top talent.

Why are they popular?

ATS’ have become increasingly popular in Australia as competition for top talent has intensified in an employee’s market, not to mention retaining top talent has become more challenging too.

Particularly in industries like tech and finance, organisations are doing all they can to improve their recruitment process to attract and secure the best candidates. With an ATS, HR teams can focus on spotting the right talent early and build personal connections, which helps the organisation stand out against other companies that candidates may be considering.

Considerations for different types of organisations

Small organisations
Some HR teams in small businesses don’t use an ATS because there’s often no budget or they don’t hire regularly enough to justify it. 

But an ATS can give a small business an edge over other small or medium-sized businesses fighting for similar candidates by helping them make smarter hiring choices, even with limited resources.

Time is money in smaller organisations, and because they’re working with a smaller budget, they can often miss out on qualified candidates or overlook them. An ATS ensures no qualified candidates slip through the cracks or are lost in the process, saving time and improving the hiring funnel with features like resume screening, interview scheduling, and offer letter generation help.

Additionally, ATS platforms like Martin Logic’s ATS are mobile first, which allows busy managers to review applicants and post jobs on the go.

Medium-sized businesses 

Medium-sized businesses (MSB) have more complex hiring needs than startups or smaller organisations. They require a system that offers core features and also addresses hiring needs such as skills assessments and onboarding automation. 

Integration is important, as MSBs typically use a variety of HR tools. Ideally, your ATS is already part of an HRIS like Martian Logics software. MSBs can also benefit from features like social media referrals and search capabilities to attract passive candidates and build a deeper talent pool for future hiring needs.

Ultimately, MSBs compete with larger organisations to attract top talent. So these organisations want to offer a smooth candidate experience, focus on user-friendly features, and get an edge in securing the best candidates.

Enterprise organisations

Enterprise organisations face more complex hiring challenges than smaller ones because they hire across multiple locations and departments and often have more specialised role requirements. 

But with larger budgets and resources, these organisations can invest in an ATS solution with extensive features and capabilities. The sheer volume of job applications makes manual resume review impractical.

Beyond the operational benefits of an ATS, HR teams in enterprise organisations need to have an ATS because it helps them shift their focus from operational HR to strategic HR, like attracting and engaging top talent. With more time, HR teams can build stronger relationships with candidates, strengthen their brand and develop strategies to target the best candidates in competitive job markets. 


Every organisation, regardless of their size, can benefit from an ATS. It’s about finding the right system that fits your organisation's needs, budget, and hiring goals—allowing HR teams to focus on what matters most—securing the best talent.