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Martian LogicApr 9, 2024 10:19:46 AM5 min read

Flow Data, Flow! The Secret to Seamless Recruitment and Onboarding

Have you ever noticed how some organisations get recruitment ‘right’? When a manager requests a new hire, and they get exactly who they need within two weeks? Well, there’s a little ‘secret’ to seamless recruitment and onboarding… it’s all about getting the processes right, automating wherever you can and removing barriers for stakeholders along the way. Roles and salaries will always have to be approved, equipment and tools provisioned. Fortunately, it’s now easier than ever to keep everyone in the loop and everything moving smoothly, to get the data flow happening. The team at MyRecruitmentPlus and I have made it our goal to make this a reality for any business looking for a better way. In this blog, I’ll show you how recruitment and onboarding software, with the right tools, can solve this mystery after all. 

The secret lies in data, more particularly, how it FLOWS through the river of recruitment. We’ve implemented this key idea into our innovative and accessible software. Making sure data flows freely from the initial requisition phase, all the way into the contract and through the onboarding phase. It’s pretty cool and something we’re really proud of, it’s been our dream for over five years to get to this point. If you’re a large company, you need to know about this. So, let’s dive into some more detail around how this concept came about and each integral phase data needs to flow to on its journey. Flow data, flow!


Requisition refers to producing the job ‘brief’ that the business signs off. A manager wants to hire someone, and the impact on the budget needs to be approved. Say someone’s left the company or had been made to go, but there’s still a need for the role to be filled. Not too hard to get approval, it already exists! However, if there’s a brand new role created, it can get a bit more complicated. Unless the role’s already been budgeted for there’s going to be a lot of approvals required from different levels of management. This process is called the requisition stage.

We know from all our top customers that customisation is essential as each business has a different approval process for new hires. Typically, a requisition document, or brief, will have information about the role and who they’ll be reporting to. Also, salary figures and other requirements, such as a car or equipment, will need to be entered. This information leads to a guide on the total expected spend necessary to hire a person into this role. One of more people will need to sign off on this document. It’s only then can HR begin the recruitment stage. 


HR will begin to post, source and manage applications for the role. They’ll start to talk to candidates and test the market appetite for the position. Usually, there isn’t going to be the ‘perfect’ candidate waiting to apply. While the role may be guiding for a $65k package, there might be someone willing to work for $50k. However, their skills aren’t the match you’re looking for. Alternatively, they could come across a job-hopeful set on $75k. It’s clear to them that they would add so much more value to the company, and their extraordinary experience is worth the extra $5k.

Better negotiate this hire with management and update the system!


Offer Approval

HR will go back to management and pitch why the extra spend could be worth it. They could offer to find someone cheaper for the next role or guide that the candidate is worth every penny above and beyond the approved budget. This flexibility and opportunity for variations are embedded within the software. It’s seamlessly integrated and allows users to make rapid changes where deemed necessary and beneficial to the business.

The changes and variations can be then approved by management, one or more times if necessary! The system recognises the stage of the offer approval process and finalises the offer documentation and detail parameters to be sent to the selected candidate.

This step brings on the cue for… onboarding!


Time to get the new hire started. Based on all the information that came before in the other three stages. Their contract will be automatically ready to go. Just make any little adjustments as necessary, such as the start date and contact information, and it can be off to the candidate to digitally sign within seconds. The rest of the process can be automated too. It can be easily set up so that when the candidate returns the signed digital contact, the onboarding sequence automatically commences. Relevant managers are notified of the start date and any training required is sent to the candidate as needed. IT and procurement are notified with enough time to ensure accesses and equipment are ready for them on their first day. It’s a fantastic result, and this is the outcome of allowing data to flow where it’s needed, when it’s needed

Bringing It All Together

Tying all these steps together to work seamlessly is a mammoth task, to be honest with over TWO THOUSAND individual features needed to make this work exactly how we wanted it. There’s simply nothing else quite like it. It’s so fast, intuitive and flexible to use and customise. Make it your own, to suit your custom processes and requirements. For larger businesses, each type of role might even require a completely different process, as mandated by management or simply the nature of the work. What about companies that operate across borders? We needed to make sure the software was customisable within this to suit different jurisdictions and individual dependencies. Thankfully it’s been built with this reality front-of-mind. 


“It’s so EASY to use out the box yet if you want to customise it’s SO flexible.” 


We’ve rolled out this data-flow feature to over 30 clients with a fantastic response, and it will be a standard inclusion in all of our recruitment and onboarding software moving forward. We plan to roll out this magic feature to all our clients by the end of this quarter, how exciting!

It’s Only Going to Get Better Throughout 2020

Leveraging this data flow, I want you to look for even more automation coming up throughout the rest of the year. We’ll have another blog on this topic shortly. It is the crucial theme driving HR to the next level in the new decade. We can all focus more on human interaction. Building relationships and driving higher-level value. Outputs that are of more use than printing and signing manual forms. Let us take care of that for you. If you’d like to try our software, it’s free to start. Let me know below what you think of it, or what features you’d love to come next.

All the best until next time!