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Martian LogicApr 10, 2024 9:59:40 AM5 min read

How to set up a video interview in 4 clicks

Pre-recorded video interviews are still a relatively new and under-utilised recruitment tool – despite a rise in their use during the pandemic. The problem is, many see video interviews as a replacement for in-person interviews. While they can be used for this, they should also be used alongside in-person interviews. Think of them like a funnel that can help narrow down your candidate pool and determine who will move on to in-person interviews.

While you may have your reservations about them, I do not. So, let me walk you through everything you need to know about video interviews. From what they are to their benefits to how you can set one up and try them out for yourself. This is your one-stop shop to learn about video interviews.

What are pre-recorded video interviews?

Put simply pre-recorded video interviews are a tool used by recruiters to better comb through candidates. They require candidates to record their responses to predetermined questions, which will be viewed later by the recruiter for assessment. For this reason, pre-recorded video interviews are often referred to as one-way video interviews.

What are the benefits of video interviews for recruiters?


Saves time and money

Hiring a new employee is an investment, costing on average $18,982 per employee according to Human Resources Director Mag. So, it is important to not only make the right choice but to spend company time in the recruitment process wisely. Video interviews can drastically reduce the time it takes for employers to comb through applications. Instead of taking hours to read every applicant’s resume, video interviews can help give you a more insightful understanding of applicants in a matter of seconds. So, less company time and money have to be used in the recruitment process.

Widens your candidate pool

Your talented applicants are limited when you’re looking in a narrow area. Video interviews open up the possibility to interview a range of candidates from different areas, without the complications of them having to travel to you.

Pre-recorded video interviews also eliminate scheduling conflicts. Candidates are free to record their interviews on their own time, meaning you don’t miss out on candidates who may have too tight a schedule to make an in-person interview.

Better insight

You can’t learn everything about someone from a piece of paper, hence why interviews are standard recruitment practice. Video interviews give you the unique opportunity to get to know candidates better right from day one. Helping to reduce the risk in selecting candidates to move forward to the next stage of the recruitment process.

What are the benefits of video interviews for candidates?


Promotes soft skills

Not all skills can be effectively shown on paper. Soft skills such as communication skills, problem-solving skills, time management ability, conflict resolution and work ethic, can all better be showcased in an interview. These are valuable skills in any workplace and are a major deciding factor in the recruitment process.

With traditional recruitment processes, applicants aren’t usually able to showcase these skills until late in the process. This can make it difficult for applicants with limited experience but amazing soft skills to ever get their foot in the door. Pre-recorded video interviews are an opportunity for these candidates to show off these important skills early on.

Saves time

Travelling to and from interviews can be time-consuming, especially if candidates have more than one to go to. Video interviews are more considerate of candidates’ time, and understanding of the fact that many candidates are still employed while job hunting. Opting for a video interview will make candidates feel as though the organisation values and respects their time.

Reduces prestige bias

Prestige bias in recruitment refers to the conscious and unconscious practice of judging a candidate’s abilities solely on the prestige of their educational institution. This is an entirely unfair practice that is worsened when a candidate isn’t humanised in a recruiter’s mind. It is easy to unconsciously judge an individual when they are no more than words on a page, but when they are a person on the screen in front of you, suddenly it is much easier to judge them for their substance.

Setting up a video interview in 4 clicks


Select template

Begin by selecting from one of the three templates. These templates will provide you with questions relevant to the stage of the recruitment process you’re in, but don’t worry they aren’t set in stone.

Choose candidate

From your list of candidates, select which one you’d like to ask to complete a pre-recorded video interview. 

Here you can also select yourself to test the process from both sides before you send this out to a real candidate. 

Customise questions

Here is where your personal touch comes in. Based on the template you selected the form will have anywhere from one to three questions already. You can use them as a starting point or the final iteration, it’s entirely up to you.

I would recommend checking out these 5 video interview prompts if you’re looking for question inspiration, they may just help you differentiate your candidates earlier in the recruitment process.

Here you can also customise the copy and design of the invite that will be sent out to your candidate to match your company’s branding and voice.

Preview and send

Once you are happy with your questions and invite, simply preview them. The preview shows you the candidate’s perspective of the interview and will give you a better understanding of the candidate’s experience in this process. 

Once you are happy with everything, simply press ‘send invite now’. Within seconds your candidate will have received an email inviting them to complete your video interview questions. 


Video interviews are the third dimension of resumes recruiters need to better access candidates earlier in the recruitment process. Video interviews give recruiters unprecedented opportunities to better understand candidates, evaluate their skills and widen their talent pool. While candidates get to showcase their soft skills and be judged on merit rather than their educational institute’s prestige.

It’s time to stop sleeping on the benefits of pre-recorded video interviews and test them out for yourself.