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Martian LogicApr 10, 2024 10:22:24 AM4 min read

HR is Everyone's Business

Let me be clear I’m not condoning getting all up in another department’s business. Rather, I’m saying that every person within a business has a stake in the success of HR. If HR falls short of success, so too will your business. 

HR’s responsibilities directly touch every aspect of a business, and yet they are still often thought of as being HR’s duties alone to fulfil. This kind of mindset has to change. 


So, why is HR everyone’s business?

Building high-performing teams is in everyone’s interests


A business’s most valuable asset is its employees. Thomas J. Watson the founder of IBM once said, “You can get capital and erect buildings, but it takes people to build a business”. 

One of HR’s most pivotal roles within a business is to collaborate with managers to attract and nurture employees to help drive business success. Effective collaboration between HR and Managers is pivotal to the success of building high-performance teams within your organisation. 

HR cannot build a successful team if the manager doesn’t invest their time & effort into the process. Though it is technically an HR process, it’s the manager that will be left suffering the consequences of an underperforming team should they not put the appropriate effort into collaborating with HR. 

Improving employee culture & retention ensures success 


Employee retention is yet another aspect that is traditionally thought of as HR’s responsibility. Though, it is managers and the company as a whole who suffer most if employee retention and culture are poor.

Poor retention can be affected by many factors, including poor company culture. HR plays a pivotal role in establishing company culture within an organisation – but they alone cannot maintain it.

Leaders within the organisation and even employees are responsible for creating a healthy company culture, as individual behaviours all contribute to the collective culture of the business. 

So, while it may be an HR role, it is in all employees’ interest to ensure that the business is a happy & safe environment for all – in turn making employees not want to leave. 

Employee training & development is a win for all

HR is highly involved in the training of new and existing employees to ensure people within the organisation have the opportunity to develop professionally, learn new skills and perform their best. 

This isn’t possible without the collaboration between HR & managers to discuss and implement the necessary training & development programs for each team. These programs are designed for the betterment of people & organisation performance – without them, the organisation would suffer as employees would not be learning the necessary skills to succeed. 


So what can businesses do to support HR?

Invest in HR 

HR is more often than not under-resourced, overworked and burnt-out. Investing time & resources into the department will help to ensure that HR can succeed and thus, the business can too. 

It is worthwhile investing in HRIS software that eliminates excessive HR admin work and gives HR their time back to focus on strategic HR work. The Martian Logic HRIS eliminates the noise of HR admin work and frees up HR resources to better support your business.

Establish open & honest communication with HR

For HR to effectively fulfil their role within the organisation, they must be able to collaborate with managers openly. Having open communication between HR & managers will make it easier for HR to support managers in building and retaining high-performance teams. 

Using a HRIS software that is designed to accommodate both HR & managers respectively will go along way to better the collaboration between the two. Bringing HR & managers together on the same planet is a primary focus of the Martian Logic HRIS software. With features including automated stakeholder notifications designed specifically to ease collaboration between HR & managers.

Give HR a seat at the table


As we have just established, HR is everybody’s business, but it is important to remember who the experts are. Giving HR a seat at the table for important business decisions ensures that all of the business is considered before a decision is finalised. 

HR can offer valuable insight from the unique perspective they have of the organisation, and including them in the conversations regarding business decisions will ensure that all business and employee interests are accounted for and considered properly.


Final Thoughts

The correlation between HR and business success is undeniable, and as such HR should be everybody’s business. Business leaders should be taking it upon themselves to invest in HR by supporting, collaborating with, or simply respecting HR to help them and the business succeed. 

If you are interested in learning more about how the Martian Logic HRIS brings HR & Managers together on the same planet – contact us here.