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Martian LogicApr 9, 2024 11:31:22 AM7 min read

Introducing Video-Interview based AI-Talent-Assessment

If you don’t know how to do something, what is the first thing you do? You ‘Google it’.

Whatever question you ask, Google will bring up pages of results that consist of hundreds of videos and articles. Videos make the world go round the…

When something funny is occurring, what’s your first instinct? To video it.
If you’re watching a live performance, what do you do? You video it.

In today’s technology dominated world, there’s a video for anything and everything- videos are powerful and that’s why they’re becoming increasingly popular and are used for; teaching, research, fun… and interviewing.

Why do videos run the world? Simple- humans respond better to visual information in comparison to text materials because visual stimuli evoke emotions and thoughts. Visual learning allows for grouping of information and new information is easily understood.

I’m sure you’ve heard this time and time again, but I’ll tell you once more, video interviewing is the way of the future.
No, I’m not talking about live interviews- I’m talking about video interviews!

Video interviews vary in length and can be up to a few minutes long, and consist of multiple video answers from your candidates. When you create your job advertisement and application process, the recruiter includes video questions that require a video response. Their compilation of their answers is then classified as a video interview.

Video interviews are the future of the corporate world, and their advantages can no longer be ignored.

Video interviews are efficient; it allows the recruiter to unearth the candidate BEFORE contacting them. This saves company and recruiter effort, time and money.

Here’s what your recruiting process looks like WITHOUT video interviews:
1. Request-to-hire
2. Receive 20 applications
3. Skim 20 resumes
4. Spend weeks scheduling interviews and phone screening
5. Conduct 10 live interviews
6. Choose best candidate

This is your recruiting process WITH video interviews:
1. Request-to-hire
2. Receive 20 applications
3. Skim 20 resumes whilst watching their video interviews
4. Contact the 3 best suited candidates
5. Conduct 3 live interviews
6. Chose best candidate

Yes, the amount procedure is the same- but the TIME CONSUMED is more than halved.

Video Interviews offer the same insights as live interviews. The purpose of conducting a live interview is to learn more about the candidate’s emotional intelligence, problem solving and personality.

In summary, the purpose of interviews is to unearth your potential employee’s soft skills, which assists you in determining whether or not they’ll fit in with the culture you’ve established at your workplace.

Keeping the workplace harmony is crucial, thus not only does your new hire have to obtain the skills necessary to fill the position, but they also have to satisfy the soft skills requirement to keep the peace amongst employees.

Therefore, video interviews provide recruiters with the chance to glimpse at their candidate’s genuine self (not just dot points on a piece of paper) and thus make educated decisions in who they invest their time in and who doesn’t meet their requirements.

Video interviews, in a world where 65% of the population are visual learners, are an essential tool for all recruiters. Recruiters are able to view the candidate and connect with them; they’re able to watch them communicate and determine their character.

If you have two candidates that have extremely similar work experience and technical skills, you’re going to hire the candidate that has a personality and soft skills that are more suited to your company.

This is where video interviews come in. Not only do they save time, increase the efficiency and reduce the time-to-hire, but they offer in-depth insights and allow the recruiters to create a connection between their candidates.

I’m excited to tell you that recruitment efficiencies don’t stop here!
My Recruitment Plus has taken it to the NEXT LEVEL.
Drum roll please.

What happens when AI talent assessment meets video interviews?

INTRODUCING ‘The Big-5 Psychometric Assessment’.

Would I be wrong in stating; ‘resume reading and interview-conducting phases of recruitment is to determine the talent of the candidate’? I think not.

We’ve already unearthed the significance of video interviews in a world run by videos, now… Let’s discuss talent assessment.

Talent assessment of candidates comes from a psychometric assessment and is based on behavioural sciences that analyse verbal, and non-verbal cues from a video recording of your candidate.

Psychometric assessments of candidates determine their mental capabilities, emotion intelligence, behaviours, capabilities, skills, strengths and personality.

Uncovering your candidate’s personality is extremely useful in determining what teaching style they relate to best (when training them in specific- company related content) and unearthing their goals, and characteristics, as these factors influence their workplace behaviour. For example, unearthing this information will predict their work standards, work ethic, and attitudes towards colleagues.

Robert McCrae and Paul Costa developed The Big-5 psychology framework in the 1950’s and 60’s, but until now has been limited in its scalability ability. Why?

Traditionally, there’s only three ways to conduct a talent assessment.
The first method is to ask your candidates to complete a questionnaire made up of roughly 50 questions that requires them to read the question and chose an answer that they believe is most applicable to them (which takes about 45 minutes).

The second method is to have candidates complete a test, where they answer questions freely, and their long answer responses are measured against a chosen scale.

The third method is to hire a panel of 3 trained psychologists to sit on a panel and question the candidate and then discuss his answers to determine his results. Does that sound more like the third degree? Because it does to us…

These process’ can be expensive and unscalable due to the time required to complete the psychometric assessment and receive the results.

As well as this, the analysis is subjective and biased due to human error and pre-existing schemas of the psychologists.

The methods listed above require recruiters and candidates to introduce an additional step in the recruitment process and results in good applicants to drop off due to the bad candidate experience.

If your candidate is applying for your job offer, you best believe they’ve also applied to others!

So, if your process is longer, requires more effort, makes them feel uncomfortable and leads them to believe they are being poorly treated, there’s a high risk of losing them as a new hire.

Good candidates know their worth, and know right from wrong, and it’s the good candidates that you want onboard!

So, how do overcome this dilemma?
Lucky for you that My Recruitment+ is living in the 21st century!

Video based AI talent assessment!!

We’ve created an algorithm that assess’ the video interviews automatically once they’ve been submitted. The algorithm analyses the multiple video answers and then generates a report that has a breakdown of the big-5 framework components (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism- OCEAN).

We’ve combined behaviour science and technology to create software that generates a report that excludes human error, and biases, to allow for 100% accurate reading and in-depth information regarding your new hire.

The video interviews and talent assessment is seamlessly sown together that allows for maximum user ability and positive user experience. The two features work hand in hand and together offer maximum recruitment efficiency, which reduce the time-to-hire and recruitment costs!

Alongside the original video answers your candidates have submitted is a report that breaks down their talent based on their personality, abilities, behaviours, and soft skills- that provides you with a comprehensive understanding of your candidate.

This tool does not require any extra effort or time from candidates or recruiters, thus ensuring minimal risk of candidate drop off!

Candidates aren’t made to question their worth and double guess themselves through interrogation of a panel, or spending their time answering subjective questions such as “Are you the life of the party?” and “Do you feel concern for others?” (these are two actual questions from a questionnaire).

In short;

Video interviews increase recruitment efficiency, as recruiters are able to invest their time into candidates that are best suited for the position as they receive insights into each candidate’s soft skills before contacting them.

Each candidate answers the same question which limits’ human bias and gives applicants an equal opportunity to present themselves.

Talent assessment of each candidate unearths what environments are best suited to them (such as working collaboratively or individually) and reveals their characteristics and personality traits that encourage specific behaviour and influence their employee behaviour (such as their working standard, way of learning and cultural fit).

Sound too good to be true?

It’s true, it is too good, but if you don’t believe us tests the process on yourself here!

Just create an account (for free!) and you’ll be able to record video interviews and view your talent assessment.