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Martian LogicApr 8, 2024 12:20:20 PM3 min read

Recruitment software during the epic fight between Facebook and linkedIn for the job posting supremacy

Facebook seems to be taking their Job Posting/advertising strategy further – they are now launching the service to countries outside of the US and Canada.

LinkedIn have built an amazing platform and community for professionals but professionals aren’t the only people who look for employment – young people do too – it’s not hard to imagine Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and communities like these would be more successful at reaching younger crowds when they’re searching for jobs if they get it right.

And you still have the classified job-boards like Seek in Australia and Monster and Glassdoor in the US too of course – and you have the interesting Indeed model which has been so far incredibly successful.

So wow… boy oh boy… do we have an epic battle on our hands or not!!!!

I think that there are too much advertising opportunities for Facebook to ignore and so they will continue to pursue this.  Also, even if they said we don’t care about those dollars that can directly come from job advertising… I think that this is too strategic too, to the extent that they have to do it.  They have to do it to protect their existing and future advertising categories.

I saying that and if you agree with me, coupled with the fact that Facebook advertising monetization execution has been so far impressive, you would make an assumption that they will be able to grab a decent piece of that pie.  in particular, the slice that represents that younger aged group we mentioned above.

It remains to be seen, however, how they execute and how and if LinkedIn reacts to this threat – is it a threat to LinkedIn?  Well at least in the way that it’s going to take a part of the pie that’s  in the business plan – I mean LinkedIn hasn’t so far been able to engage the young job professionals/seekers… but I’m sure it’s in their business plan – so most certainly it’s a real threat to part of their business growth plan.

How does this affect the current Applicant Tracking System (ATS), providers and the Recruitment Software providers out there?

Well in our case, and the fact that our core proposition is built on Multi-posting and Multi-sourcing strategy… in this case it’s perfectly OK – as a matter of fact the more players in the market the better for us – every feature in our platform is by-design built to deal with the multi-channel and multi-source concept.

Facebook already have API(s) for Job Posting but it’s not currently open to everyone and to every country.  We certainly would be very interested and one of the first platforms that would integrate those API(s) and allow our clients to post their jobs to Facebook.

We already post job ads, to Facebook – our clients can in a single click, decide to post a teaser of their job to their Facebook’s company page.

As part of the multi-posting module, our clients tick the job-boards and social media sites (including Facebook) they want their job to go to, and hit the post button.  When the candidate clicks on the job ad teaser, we bring them straight that job’s landing page that we host for our clients – from that landing page, they can apply for that job from any device including mobiles.

The advantage our client has is that no matter from what social site or job-board the candidate came to the job landing page, they will all go through the same custom application process.  So the client will always have the information they need to make their assessment, no matter where the candidate came from.


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