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Martian LogicApr 9, 2024 11:15:36 AM9 min read

The 10 Pillars of End-to-End Onboarding Software.

Technology has changed the way the world rotates.

Business’ have to consistently update their softwares because if they don’t, they risk lacking excellent tools that increase the efficacy and productivity of their organization. Tools that their competitors and other businesses are utilizing. These tools should be frictionless, and simple. Something that integrates seamlessly in the organization and is easy to navigate. A tool such as an end-to-end onboarding software

Before we dive in, here’s a quick infographic that outlines the 10 Pillars of End-to-End Onboarding Software.


#1 Native Digital Signing Framework


This’ll blow your mind. Instead of of having to print, sign, scan, and send back documentations that required signatures, you can easily sign online.

No need for forms to be sent back and forth, or wasting of any paper, just sign digitally and voila. Signed and sent, all within a few clicks. Easy and efficient, without any chance of missing a box that requires a signature.

Please think twice about purchasing an onboarding software that requires you to print, sign, scan and send it back. This software creates more work for recruiters and HR managers and is inefficient.

When it comes to candidates signing a contract or confirming a deal every second counts!

#2 Customisable E-forms & Branded Candidate Portal

This means no print, no scan, no copy and paste, and no back and forth difficulties if someone forgot to fill in a few details. We’re not just talking about digital signing, we’re talking about completely filling out a form online!


I’m sure you know, but just to clarify, PDF forms are not online forms. Why? Because they still require recruiters to copy and paste the data to other forms, and sometimes print, sign and scan.

100% paperless onboarding not only reduces our environmental footprint, but also creates data that flows within the onboarding software. Once a candidate begins filling our their onboarding e-forms, the data collected  from each form is calibrated and saved. This data is easily accessible via searching key words and pharases.

The candidate portal, or as we call it, the candidate’s workbench, is customisable and personalised to the organisation. During this onboarding period, drop-off is still a possibility and it’s crucial that you reassure the candidate that they’re made the right decision dedicating themselves to your company.

How do e-forms and a customised candidate portal do that? By effectively engaging your candidate, demonstrating your support and communication skills, and displaying personalised e-forms that are efficiently filled in and saved.

Although to you, the recruiter or HR manager, these may seem insignificant- these are the first impressions of your company. The way in which a new employee is onboarded offers a glimpse into how smoothly they believe the company operates because this is the only impression they have to base their judgement on.

What would leave a better lasting impression; an onboarding experience that ran smoothly and prepared you for your start date- or a tedious onboarding experience that made signing your documents a chore?

#3 Data Flows from Recruitment to Onboarding

Data flows freely from request-to-hire and recruitment phases straight into the onboarding documents.


This means that the information the recruiters agreed upon and advertised (ie, job responsibility and salary) and have already written across

e-forms is saved and flow through each phase of recruiting and onboarding! Automatically! That is, the software does it by itself! This pillar is a life saver for recruiters.

Instead of cross-checking a heap of different documents for each employee, this data flow collects and carries data to where it needs

to be so that recruiters don’t have to waste their time searching and compiling information.

Try to imagine a stream; the stream is continuously flowing and it’s impossible to lose the water of the stream because it’s secured in one spot. Every time you go to the location of the stream you know it’s going to be there because the location of the stream won’t change.

Now, replace the water flow of the stream for your company’s data. It’s automatically flowing, you can add data or edit data and it will continue to flow, and every time you need to access the data you know everything is exactly where it needs to be.

The result of this?

#4 Contracts Auto-Generated from Recruitment Data

Thanks to the automated flow of data, your contracts and e-forms can be automatically generated! The contract is created by information the recruiters have already imputed into the software during the requisition stage… this saves them the task of having to copy and paste information into new forms, or re-enter the details themselves. This ensures the correct required data is inserted across multiple forms, and that no important data is forgotten to be included in documents.


Of course, recruiters can edit and personalize the contracts however they like, and add new details that perhaps weren’t collected. However, their onboarding software makes their task easier by collecting and including essential data that the contract must contain! This automated onboarding feature can also create a ‘letter of offer’ based on the data imputed in the requisition stage.

A recruiter or HR manager shouldn’t be spending extensive amounts of time scanning and reviewing separate documents to gather information because this time consuming process isn’t necessary with an efficient onboarding software.

#5 Data Flows Freely into Payroll

Not only is data collected and carried from requisition and recruitment, it flows from onboarding to payroll! (P.s, that’s the definition of ‘end-to-end’ onboarding software)


Data collected from the requisition, recruitment and onboarding e-forms automatically flows into the Payroll and HR system via a modern and a reliable integration platform.

This links all information from the first phase the final phase efficiently! All data collected is integrated into the payroll without any difficulties and with minimal effort from recruiters.

With this integration your onboarding software takes care of the nitty gritty details and stores all your data in one place indefinitely that can be reviewed at any point. Frictionless and Simple.

If your onboarding software still requires you to partake in snail mail, such as mailing a tax form to the ATO, or requires you to plug in details from one form to another, it’s time for an update.

#6 Video Content for Induction & Training

Each new employee will require an onboarding pack. What is an onboarding pack?? It’s a collection of e-forms and documents that are created and sent with only a few clicks, and due to the data flow, require minimal information input from the recruiters.


What kind of documentation do they enclose? Simple, it depends on the recruiter! The flexibility of the packs means that you can create any templates; generalized OR personalized documentation.

What might these documents include? They could include signature-required documents, such as employee contracts, e-forms, or read-and-agree documents. Although these are your basic onboarding doccuments, a good onboarding software system should encourage you to take things one step further!

In your onboarding pack you might include imperative documents; such an a ‘welcome onboard’ document, or ‘basic training/required knowledge’ document. In these documents, you can link videos which candidates must watch before clicking the ‘watched and agree’ button!

Yep, an onboarding pack that encourages VISUAL LEARNING!

You can view their clicks and whether they watched the video, or make your document only complete-able if they watch all videos! The flexibility of linking a video to document means you can track what they know and don’t know, what they do and don’t understand.

Everyone gets the same education and no one gets misinformed!

#7 Countdown Timer for Quicker Completion Time


If your candidate is seeking and applying to your job opening its extremely likely that they’ll be looking at multiple options. If you’ve decided to give a candidate the opportunity for employment, when you send their onboarding documents you can insert a countdown timer!

What’s a countdown timer? You can choose how long they have to fill in the information before it ‘expires’. Once it expires they will be required to call HR in order to get access to the forms.

This feature creates a sense of urgency and encourages candidates to complete documents in a timely, efficient manner.

Nothing inspires productivity like a ticking time bomb!

#8 Automated Stakeholder Notifications: Mangers, IT..Etc


Once a candidate has completed their onboarding documentation, a notification is sent to all those that will be working with the new employee. Yay, a new work buddy!

The people that are notified can include; managers, payroll, the buddy, IT and other stakeholders that the recruiter can select!This is automated and is another feature that end-to-end onboarding software entails.

These notifications are personalised and can pop up two weeks, one week… or a day before they start. This allows you to get organized for their arrival and starting date! These reminders will ensure you get their network login details, email, workspace, and other starting details organized and ready for their arrival.

We understand how frantic work can get, and with so many things on the to do list it’s crucial to have someone supporting you and giving you reminders! And by someone we mean a good onboarding software….

#9 Built Mobile-First

An onboarding software that is 100% online and comprised of e-forms, like the My Recruitment+ platform, means that candidates can complete


their self-onboarding packs on their mobiles! Once the recruiter emails or texts the candidate their link they can access their onboaridng packs on their phone.

They can complete their e-forms anywhere at any time! On the train, or in the car; they can even open and close it as many times as they like and it saves their progress. This flexibility results in documents being completed efficiently and quicker!

They can onboard themselves without any difficulty and without it requiring a set time to sit at their desktop. This is extremely appreciated by employees and results in HR managers seeing e-forms completed sooner.

#10 Multipurpose: Onboarding, Contract Variations & Offboarding

Your onboarding software should be flexible- you should be able to use your onboarding tool for multiple situations! For new hires, existing contracts and employees, or at the end of employment.

If your onboarding software doesn’t have multiple purposes, please don’t buy it. You should have the ability to alter details, simply by going into said


candidate you can edit their details, and easily re send and store the data.

With a single tool, you can begin, edit, and end employment. Your onboarding software should enable you to make edits that are useful for cross-boarding, such as changing the language of texts and emails to exclude terminology related to ‘onboarding’. As well as cross boarding, you should have the ability to use it for off boarding, such as creating an ‘end of employment’ form and sending reminders to important stakeholders regarding an employee’s last day.

In simple terms, your onboarding software shouldn’t only be utilized for onboarding, it should assist in CROSS-BOARDING and OFF-BOARDING too! Why have multiple tools when you can have one that has multiple purposes?

These are the 10 pillars of an end-to-end onboarding software.

If you don’t currently have an onboarding software implemented in your business, here’s 10 reasons why you need one. And if you do have an onboarding software that doesn’t offer the same; efficiency, support, personalisation, flexibility and integration as the pillars discussed its time you look at other options. Such as My Recruitment Plus.

Why? Because your organization, HR managers, recruiters, employees and potential candidates will notice the difference, and thank you.