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Martian LogicApr 9, 2024 12:12:39 PM8 min read

The Business Case for Recruitment Software

There are many benefits of living in a world so heavily influenced by technology.

We’re easily educated on global movements, we can support each other on a global scale, and have limitless access to products from various countries. Thank goodness for worldwide shipping!

It also means there’s significant disadvantages of not being inclusive of technological tools that your competitors are using! In the world of technology, paper based processes are becoming more and more inefficient… 

How many of us have a laptop? Or smartphones? Nokias are a thing of the past my friends! 

SO, it’s crucial to invest in technology in order to remain competitive and relevant. If you’re a recruiter, or a HR manager, and have been pondering purchasing recruitment software… or updating your recruiter software, here’s why you should do it! 

Your Problem

Let’s start here. 

Why are you considering implementing an Applicant Tracking System or Recruitment Software? Maybe you’re using an outdated software, or still primarily paper based (which pains me to say). Regardless of what your current recruitment process is, you believe it could be more efficient.

Whether that be less time consuming or less costly, you’ve recognised there is potential to improve and update your recruitment process. Your problem is this:

“The way in which my company and I recruit and onboard new candidates is outdated, time consuming and unnecessarily costly; therefore inefficient.”  

Your Objectives

If you’re thinking about purchasing a recruitment software, or ATS, you must create objectives and goals! Why do you want to implement an ATS system? What do you want to get out of it? For this business case, I’ve created the following objectives; 

  1. To implement measurability and accountability amongst HR professionals, executives and recruiters
  2. To encourage collaboration amongst HR professionals, executives and recruiters
  3. To reduce time to hire, and increase satisfaction of service level agreement 
  4. To quicken the recruitment process and be digital friendly for a remote workforce

These objectives solve the problem your business is currently facing by positively influencing the efficiency of the business, and the successfulness of your recruitment. 

Your Solution

Let’s quickly summarise our business case so far. 

We’ve acknowledged our recruitment process is outdated and not ensuring maximum productivity and workplace efficiency. 

Therefore, we’re considering our options and looking at how to better our recruitment systems. We want our new recruitment process to:

  • Be measurable and hold hiring personnel accountable
  • Encourage collaboration
  • Increase recruitment efficacy and reduce time to hire 
  • Be digital due to new remote working conditions

Thus, we want to implement an ATS system or recruitment software! But why?

Now that we know the why and the what, let’s look at the outcomes of implementing ATS and recruitment software as our solution. 

Outcome #1- Increased Collaboration 

A recruitment software encourages collaboration between HR, recruiters and the executives. How? It shortens the communication channels and allows multi users, whilst also allowing each user to have A PERSONALISED ROLE

That means their platform is customized to their role…

Okay I’ll break it down and give you an example. 

The executives, what do they do? They sign off on HR activities, such as a request-to-recruit. 

They don’t need to see the brainstorm and process behind the idea development, they only need to see the finalised outcome. Therefore, when they log into the recruitment software they see ONLY what’s relevant to them. 

Their platform and the recruiters platform will look different, but store the same data. Whilst their platform is customised, it’s not limited! Recruiters, HR and Executives can share information with one another regardless of their customized role… 

Say you’re a recruiter, and you’re a big fan of two new applicants! Their video interviews were perfect and they’ve had plenty of experience… so you want to bring them in for an interview right away.

You click on their names, and share with your approver. Your approver receives an sms or email with a link to the profile information (resume, video interview, cover letter) that you’ve shared (which is again customizable) and they can write notes and give their approval within minutes… and you’re automatically notified when they do. 

This open platform maximises communication capabilities and recruitment efficiency. As well as this, the comments, and ratings of candidates are visible by all; holding the employee accountable for what they say and what they do.

This eliminates unconscious bias as the platform allows executives to monitor the platform and review decisions. DA DA DA DUN. Employees know this and will think twice before making their decision. 

Therefore, this benefits the business as it implements accountability and can be measured, whilst simultaneously encouraging collaboration. THUS, meeting objective 1 & 2. 

Outcome #2 – Strengthened Service Level Agreement 

A common issue that occurs amongst Executives, HR managers, and recruiters is dissatisfaction with their service level agreements (SLA). Meaning, recruiters don’t meet the expectations set by managers. This is probably a driving factor for you reading this business case.

How does this happen?

For example, HR managers might set a time-to-recruit timeline that is unattainable with the current recruitment process… but on their end they’re getting their part done within a few days so they can’t understand why their employees can’t also get their parts done on time. Executives then question if there is a problem with their productivity and work ethic. 

Let’s look it at like this… it’s in the best interest of the company and managers that the vacant seat is filled ASAP. I repeat, ASAP. Whilst the seat is vacant, productivity is lower, workflow efficiency is lower and there is a greater risk of lower profits. Therefore, problems arise when recruiters can’t fill the seat as quickly as they’d like. 

How does recruitment software fix this? 

The share capabilities, as discussed above, allow collaboration which reduces time-to-hire through employees having access to the platform anywhere and at any time. 

Gone are the days of print, sign, scan and send… you can create and complete an e-form in minutes, and have it approved in minutes instead of days. 

Video interviews are also crucial in modern recruitment processes…before phone screening, you know who your candidates are, what they can do for your business and if they’ll be the right cultural fit. Therefore, you refine your candidate selection before wasting time on phone screening tasks and hour long interviews of unsuitable candidates.

As well as reducing time spent on unsuitable candidates, the process of onboarding and recruiting suitable candidates is quicker.

Therefore, increasing efficiencies on both ends. Thus, this benefit meets objectives 3 & 4. 

Outcome #3 – Positive Candidate Experience 

Implementing a recruitment software positively influences the candidates and new employees experience. During the recruitment phase, they’re able to present themselves in the manner they wish to be seen (the power of video interviews) and the accountability installed with recruitment software reassures them they’ll be given a fair chance.

As well as this, their time isn’t wasted with lengthy application process requirements.

Not only does this support a positive candidate experience, but it also creates a positive brand image and increased reputation…which is important because even if they aren’t right for the job they’ve become a fan of your brand.

Their applications are saved to the platform, meaning recruiters have access to the applications anytime and anywhere. If the candidate is successful in their application, their onboarding pack can be created and sent by recruiters in minutes, and candidates can complete their onboarding packs on their phone!

Therefore resulting in reduced candidate drop off rates and the up-to-date technology influences faster completion rates. Thus, this outcome meets objective 3 & 4.  

Outcome #4 – End-to-End Data Integration

The main problem with many traditional recruitment processes is their lack of integration. What does this look like? It looks like admin inputting the same data multiple times into different systems.

This results in data inaccuracies and inferior data integration. In order to maximise efficiency of recruitment your software must save and store data AND automatically input it in the appropriate fields…. all the way from requisition to payroll. 

The data can be revisited and edited, but is collected along the process and stored to the platform. Therefore, this integration reduces labour and increases data integrity! 

Your recruitment software should also be connected to the internet! This should entail a multi post aspect, meaning you can post a job advertisement on multiple platforms at once! For example, MyRecruitment+ has hundreds of job boards (niche and well known) such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Seek and Indeed.

You can create, view and edit your advertisements on one platform and all applications come to one location. These advertisements can be seen by all personnel that are involved in this phase of the recruitment process, therefore once again demonstrating the share capabilities and collaboration opportunity. 

The data integration capabilities also reduces the time-to-hire by reducing the manual labour required from recruiters and HR which provides HR managers with the chance to meet the standards outlined in their SLA. Thus, meeting objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4. 

Your Results 

As outlined in this business case, the benefits of recruitment software directly meets the requirements of the solution. The objectives regarding greater; recruitment efficiency, collaboration, reliability and flexibility that were created are met through implementation of the software and your business’ problem is solved. HOORAY.

As well as updating your recruitment process, your business will see long term benefits such as increased efficiency, and productivity, which ultimately leads to increased business profitability. 

Test Recruitment Software for Free

If you’ve made it this far, you must have an interest in recruitment software. I know everyone can talk-the-talk, but let me show you my walk. You can test MyRecruitment+ for FREE and experience the mentioned benefits for yourself. All you have to do is click here to make a free account (that requires no card details) and explore the features listed throughout this business case.  

Stop putting up with broken processes that are super lengthy and demanding… live in the 21st century and enjoy the efficiencies technology provides! 

Work smarter and not harder.