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What are the major pillars of an HRIS – 1
Martian LogicSep 4, 2024 11:32:42 AM5 min read

What are the pillars of an HR system?

HRIS, ATS, HR System—are you confused about the differences between HR systems? 


HR gurus, vendors and marketing professionals created acronyms to describe different HR software and systems. But instead of helping, it’s confused the HR industry, with many of us throwing our hands up and bemused. 

While these platforms offer different ways to streamline and automate key HR functions, at their core an HR system is the software an organisation uses to onboard, recruit, position and manage employees.

Let’s look at the pillars of an HR system to ensure you factor in what will push your organisation forward.


Organisational Chart

An organisational chart visually represents the internal structure of an organisation. It shows employee roles, hierarchy and reporting relationships. Essentially, it’s a way to quickly and visually learn who is who, who does what, who works where, and who they need to get to know.

Whether it's a new hire, a change in role, or offboarding an employee, every update in the Martian Logic organisational chart is automatically updated and reflected in real time because it connects your employee database and position library. This interconnectedness makes the org chart a single source of truth, minimising the risk of errors and streamlining essential HR tasks like recruitment, onboarding, and resource allocation.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

An ATS streamlines your recruitment process from one place by automating manual recruitment tasks from beginning to end such as drafting and organising job ads, sorting through applications and preparing onboarding packs.

Some of our clients go through hundreds of job applications each month, so they need to be able to handle large volumes of applications ensuring that qualified candidates are easily identified and progressed to the next stage. 

With Martian Logic’s ATS, you can get your recruitment moving with automated notifications to keep stakeholders in the loop and ensure tasks stay on track. This system empowers managers to handle operational HR independently so that HR can focus on strategic HR tasks.


Onboarding is the process of introducing new employees into an organisation. It’s more than signing an employment contract. It’s providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to become effective and functioning team members of your organisation from the get go. It's a key pillar because it sets the foundation for the employee experience. Effective onboarding ensures that new hires are well prepared and feel welcomed. 

Martian Logic’s platform personalises the onboarding journey. Customisable digital workflows are a key feature of our onboarding system, allowing you to tailor the onboarding experience to your organisation's needs. Martian Logic’s onboarding feature stands out because of its seamless integration with other HR systems and its ability to automatically update the employee database. This reduces operational HR burden but also enhances data accuracy across the board.

Employee Self-Service

An employee self-service system is a fundamental pillar of any modern HR system because it stops employees from being bogged down in operational HR tasks. Martian Logic’s employee self-service takes self service to the next level by offering an intuitive and accessible platform through a web portal and a mobile app. Employees can view, manage, and update their personal information, download payslips, submit leave requests, and handle other operational HR tasks, all without needing to go through HR so they can focus on more strategic tasks.


If you think paying employees is expensive, try not paying them!

Payroll and payroll integration are pillars of an HR system because salary and wages are the backbone for managing employee compensation, and you need an HR system that can do that. This integration is a pillar of modern HR systems because it reduces administrative workload and minimises costly errors.

With Martian Logic, payroll integration is taken to the next level because the data collected throughout the recruitment and onboarding stages are integrated directly into your payroll system. This seamless flow of information eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing the accuracy and integrity of payroll data. 

Performance Management 

Performance Reviews are a structured process where an employee's performance is measured against achievements and metrics. They provide valuable feedback to managers, guide employee development, and align employee expectations with your organisation’s goals. As a pillar of effective HR management, performance reviews are crucial for fostering growth, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. 

The Martian Logic performance review process automates administrative tasks that often bog down HR teams. The system handles scheduling, sends automatic reminders to managers and pulls recent KPI data, allowing managers to focus on meaningful feedback and development conversations. Additionally, we’ve built an extensive library of templates that shine and the flexibility to create custom templates tailored to your organisation. 


Compliance is like a seatbelt, it's a pain until you need it.

Compliance is a critical pillar of HR systems because it protects the organisation from legal risks, ensures fair treatment of employees, and fosters a safe and equitable work environment. 

Martian Logic’s compliance feature is designed to make the collection and management of compliance effortless. By leveraging our seamless data flow, HR teams can collect essential compliance documents such as licences, certifications, passports, and visas throughout the ATS and onboarding stages. This kills the tedious "cat and mouse" chase for documents, a cornerstone of all manual operational HR tasks. 

Our mobile-friendly collection process allows employees and candidates to upload their compliance documents from anywhere, using a QR code to submit photos and relevant details directly into the system. This data is instantly integrated into their profiles, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of conflicting information. 

Martian Logic’s role in your organisation is to remain compliant while streamlining operational HR tasks with minimal effort. By automating key tasks, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing data accuracy, Martian Logic becomes an indispensable part of your HR operations, helping HR teams focus on what truly matters—strategic HR tasks that drive your organisation forward.