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4 min read

3 Ways to Decrease Candidate Drop Off Rates

Have you ever interviewed the perfect candidate? The one who ticks all the boxes? The one ...
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4 min read

Recruitment is Marketing - Does your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) understand that?

Imagine you’re scrolling through your phone and see an ad for the nicest jacket you’ve ...
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3 min read

Is the ATS dead? From SAP and ORACLE's Taleo to the modern platform!

As recent as ten years ago, a highly customized recruitment software solution used to be ...
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3 min read

What's an ATS - Applicant Tracking System? Has the platform killed it!

So first lets find out what is an ATS? What’s a recruitment software platform? and What’s ...
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4 min read

Learn about volunteer recruitment from a real Australian Open Legend

Julian Emery has 7 times now, recruited and managed the volunteers for The Australian ...
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4 min read

Beautiful Career Site

CASE STUDY The SBS Careers Site Beautiful, Responsive and Custom-built
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3 min read

5 Things CEO(s) of Small Companies, Must Know About Recruitment

You’re a busy CEO who needs to run and grow the company. You’re already wearing multiple ...
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4 min read

Video interviewing, how does it work and do you need it?

What’s Video Interviewing? Why do you need video interviewing? How does video ...
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6 min read

Free-plan or Software Trials Who comes out on top?

We all love a bargain, and what’s more of a bargain than free? Yes, the word that ...
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5 min read

Five reasons why you can upgrade to MyRecruitment+

MyRecruitment+ is a specialised web-based recruitment software transforming the workflow ...
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